Listening Examination card 13

Task 3 Listening .  Examination Card 13

1. How difficult was the life without computers?

Life without computers was very difficult because they had to do a lot of paper work and they wasted much more time on work.
2.Where do people use computers most often?

People use computers very often.More often computers are used by hospitals, airports or police.
3.What can sometimes happen to computers?

Sometimes computers can crash or break but that’s not often.

Text 13

Long, long ago there lived a king. He was called Midas. One day he asked the gods of Greece to give him still more gold. “Very well”; said the gods, “in the morning everything that you touch will become gold.”

He got up early in the morning. When he touched his bed, it became gold. He began to dress, and his clothes became gold. The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of sweet milk, but it became gold. He was hungry and he could not eat or drink gold.

Midas went into the garden. His little daughter was there. King Midas loved his daughter very much, but when he kissed her, she became a golden statue. Midas was not very happy. He asked the gods to take away the Golden Touch. “Take all the gold and give me my daughter back.”

“Go,” the gods said, “and wash your hands in the river which is near your garden and the water will take away the Golden Touch.”

Midas went to the river and washed his hands in it. Then he ran quickly to the golden statue of his little girl. He kissed her again and she changed back into a pretty little daughter. Midas never forgot his lesson. He knew now that gold does not give happiness to anyone.

1. Why did Midas ask the gods to give him gold?

a) He was poor.

b) He was in debt.

c) He liked gold very much.

2. What did the gods promise Midas?

a) to bring him as much gold as they could

b) to give him the gift of turning everything into gold

c) to build a golden castle for him

3. Midas didn’t eat anything because

a) he was not hungry

b) he was on a diet

c) there was nothing to eat

4.When Midas kissed his daughter, he became sad because

a) she had some dangerous disease

b) she turned into a lifeless thing

c) she disappeared

5. What is the moral of this story?

a) East or West home is best.

b) Not all that shines is gold.

c) Even money doesn’t always make sunny.